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Actions Video Action

Video Action

A video action will play a video layer when triggered by an event. Adding video to your scenes is a great way of making them more immersive and rich.

A video action needs a Video Layer to play, pause or stop. A video layer is a material layer that lets you add a video as a texture to your 2D and 3D objects.

Uploading videos is a paid feature, you’ll need to have an active Starter, Professional or Team subscription to use it.

Learn more about the .

Creating a new Video Action

  1. Select the object that has the video layer you want to play, stop or pause.

  2. On the Events panel, add the event that will trigger the video action.

  3. Open the Event and add a video action.

Tip: When adding a new Video Layer, a Start Event is automatically created with a Video Action, making your video autoplay on scene load.

Customizing a Video Action

After your event is created, open the β€˜Edit Event’ panel to customize your video action.

  • Interaction - Decide if you want to Play, Stop or Pause a video.

  • After - Decide when the video is played.

  • Video File - The video layer you want to target.

  • Volume - Controls the volume of the video.

  • Delay - Controls the delay of when the video is played.

  • Loop - Define if you want the video to play once, infinitely, or set the number of times to be played.

Video Layer and Video Action! ☝️ Drag to Orbit & Press to Interact