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Actions Animation Action

Animation Action

With the Events system, you can trigger animations from imported objects. In order to use an animation action, you’ll need to have imported an animated object first. Learn more about how to import animation: .

Creating a new Animation Action

You can trigger an animation by doing the following:

  1. Select the object to which you want to add an animation action to.

  2. On the Events panel, add an event that should trigger the animation action.

  3. Open the Event and add an animation action.

Animation action is currently compatible within the following events:

To simply play your animation on start:

To play animation with mouse, touchscreen or keyboard interactions:

To make more dynamic game controls with the following options: On Idle, On Move, On Jump, On Run.

To trigger animations based on conditions:

To play animations upon collision, e.g.: an object explodes when collides:

Edit an Animation Action

  • Object β†’ select a reference object that should be considered for the action

  • Animation β†’ select the animation to be played related to the object.

  • Start / End β†’ allows to trim your animation based on the available keyframes

  • Delay β†’ allows to play the animation with a delay, defined in seconds

  • Loop

    • Infinite β†’ will play the animation forever

    • Count β†’ will play it for a set amount

    • None β†’ will only play it once

  • Cycle β†’ if set to Ping Pong animation will be played forward and backwards in a loop.

Try out animation action with Game Controls in this example experience.