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How state-based animation works

When you want to start adding animation and interactions to your scene, it's time to understand States, Events, and Actions.

State-based animation works by adding, well, you guessed it, multiple states to your objects.

How to create an object state

  1. Select an object.

  2. Go to the States panel on the right sidebar and click the + icon.

  3. You'll see two new states. The Base State (the state your object was already in) and another one called State.

  4. The State will be automatically selected, meaning you're ready to start applying changes to your object, like changing the scale, position, rotation, color, etc.

  5. Once you made changes to State, you can switch between Base State and State on the States panel to see the differences.

Read also:

You have a new state, but when you enter Play Mode ("Play" icon), nothing happens. That's when Events and Actions come into play. Continue to the next doc to learn more.