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Video Layer

The video layer allows you to upload videos and use them as a video texture on 2D and 3D objects.

Uploading videos is a paid feature, you’ll need to have an active Starter, Professional or Team subscription to use it.

How to create a Video Layer

To add a video layer, you’ll need to:

  1. Select an object and add a new layer on the Material Panel.

  2. Change the layer to β€œVideo” by clicking on the dropdown on the newly created layer.

  3. Open the Video Layer settings by clicking on the thumbnail.

  4. Click on the β€œUpload Video” to upload a new video.

You can also save your Video Layers as a video asset to reuse in other objects.

How to Play, Pause, or Stop a Video Layer

When adding a new Video Layer, a Start Event is automatically created with a Video Action, making your video autoplay on scene load.

You can change the event to another type, here’s a list of events where the video action is supported:

With the Video Action, you can control if you want to Play, Pause or Stop a video layer.

As well as other properties like video Volume, Delay and Loop.

Video Layer in action! ☝️ Drag to Orbit