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🍭 Designing in 3D 3D Modeling Tools

3D Modeling Tools

The modeling tools enable you to edit geometries to create more complex shapes.

To edit a geometry, press Smooth & Edit from the Shape panel in the right sidebar. After this, the object will be now converted into a subdivision surface.

You can Extrude, Inset, or generate Edge Loops:

You can add Loop Cuts and use the Slide Tool to reposition the edges:

Also, you can modify and dissolve vertices (points), faces (polygons), or edges (lines):

Finally, you can fill holes by selecting the edges:

The following parameters can be adjusted under the settings menu:

Extrude & Inset Mode

Controls if the selected geometry will be extruded or insetted grouped or individually.

Extrude Direction

Controls the direction of the edges when extruded.

Selection Side

You can specify which side should be affected (both or front only).

Selection Mode

You can change the selection mode and adjust the radius of the paint selection

Hole Filling

You can specify if the geometry of filled holes will be Flat, Curved or Ngon.